Monday, 4 May 2009

April 7 Post from Roger

Guys, 1) I would like to commend all the residents who went down to Annapolis last night to testify against the slots casino proposed for Arundel Mills Mall. They didn't start the testimony [Bill 10-09, Zoning Video Lottery Facilities] until around 8:15-8:30p.m. The Council wanted to knock out all the quicker bills first. Council Chairman Ed Reilly stated that 49 people testified last night. It was about midnight when the council proceedings ended. I am sure our group's presence really helped our cause. You all waited patiently and at the appointed time stood as a group to show our solidarity as a community. I must say I am quite proud of all the Harman Civic Association folks, residents, and members of neighboring associations who rode down on the bus or drove down in their cars. I am sure President Wayne Dixon and HCA Officers Rusty Bristow and Chip Woods, were also quite pleased, along with Senior Advisor Harry Matthews. Due to the absence of Councilman Edward Middlebrooks, the vote on the slots was postponed until the County Council meeting in 2 weeks on Monday, 20 April 09. Councilman Middlebrooks was recovering from surgery. FOX45 TV reporter Joy Lepola was at the County Council proceedings last night and interviewed a number of people prior to the Council meeting. You may see that reporting at 10:00p.m. tonight. We'll see. 2) One additional note today from Councilman Daryl Jone aide, Linda Harris: Holiday Schedule - Good Friday and Easter Sunday CURBSIDE COLLECTION PROVIDED RECYCLING AND TRASH FACILITIES CLOSED Annapolis (April 7, 2009) - The Department of Public Works, Waste Management Services, will provide curbside collection of recycling, yard waste, and trash on Friday, April 10, 2009. However, in observance of Good Friday and Easter Sunday, the Millersville Landfill and Resource Recovery Facility, the Glen Burnie Convenience Center and the Sudley Convenience Center will be closed on Friday, April 10, 2009. All facilities will be open on Saturday, April 11, 2009. Please visit the Department’s web page at or the County’s web site at Thank you to all of you who came out and exercised your rights as American citizens. We often take for granted our liberties, but we truly live in a great democracy. So many people around the world live their entire lives in lands of tyranny and political turmoil. We are indeed fortunate to be Americans! Roger

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