Monday, 4 May 2009

April 28 Post from Roger Fox

Guys, A short report to let you know a house and cars were paint-balled around 11:00p.m, last night (Mon, 27 April) in the Aragorn Court area. If anyone else was hit, please let me know. Please call the police at 911 or 410-222-8610 to report any vandalism, to include this kind of mischief. Kids are getting ansy with the school year coming to a close and having a sudden blast of warm weather. That still isn't any excuse to vandalism other folks property. If left unchecked, this behavior can morph into more violent acts. Please do not hesitate to call police for any suspicious vehicles or persons. Upcoming Dates: 7:00p.m., Monday, 4 May 09-Amendments to the proposed Slots Casino at Arundel Mills Mall are expected to be voted on at this County Council meeting in Annapolis. The Mills Task Force headed up by Chuck Levay (also Peach Orchard Association President) and the surrounding associations (including the Harman Civic Association/Villages of Dorchester Association) continue to attend every County Council meeting where any vote may occur. We need to keep the pressure on the County Council with our opposition to the slots casino at the mall. So far we have had good attendance, but we need your support! We are all wearing bright red T-shirts or shirts to these meetings to clearly identify ourselves in this "grass roots" effort. 7:30p.m., Wed, 13 May 09-PCRC (Police-Community Relations Council) meeting at the Western District Police Station in Odenton. This meeting is open to everyone and is your chance to meet the commander and hear the latest police news. It is also an excellent forum for residents to bring their concerns. 9:00a.m.-1:00p.m., Sat, 16 May 09-Shred-A-Rama III (3rd year) will be held at the Cancun Cantina parking lot. This is your chance to get rid of all those old personal papers that smoked your own shredder and took hours to do by yourself! PCRC President Dave Daughters has taken charge of this event for the Western District PCRC. Joe Cifala, the PCRC Chairman for all the Districts has worked hard with Dave to organize this event. There will be 3 other locations in the county where you can take your papers for shredding (besides Cancun Cantina). They are: Anne Arundel County Police Headquarters in Millersville Brooklyn Park Middle School (200 Hammonds Lane) South River High School (200 Central Avenue East in Edgewater) 7:00p.m., Thursday, 28 May 09-The Harman Civic Association will hold its last regularly scheduled meeting until September. That is assuming we don't have any special meetings called (for the fight against slots casino, etc.). Please note: We will be meeting at the Harmans Community Room at Arundel Mills Mall. The school has its annual concert, so we weren't able to secure the school cafeteria. New Services: Aaron's Lawn Care-Dan D. passed this information to me a while back. I understand this a a young man who lives in our area. Please go to or call 443-995-7528 for more information. Thank you for your support and keep the info coming! Roger

1 comment: said...

Here in Cancun we have a different type of Cantinas,(cancun cantina) we need more about the bands, and why do you have that "Cancun Cantina"? anyway is fun, can you please post Cancun cantina videos or picts?